Don't hesitate to contact us for reprints, source code or data!
Simulation code is usually available from GitHub and empirical data can be found on Dryad.
Simulation code is usually available from GitHub and empirical data can be found on Dryad.
[72] Zilio G., Bedhomme S., Fronhofer E. A., Jacob S., Legrand D., Philippe H. & Chevin L.-M. Improving our understanding of adaptive evolution by addressing multi-generational non-genetic responses. EcoEvoRxiv doi: 10.32942/X2V04W
[71] Kamal P., Thompson P. L., Lewis N. & Fronhofer E. A. Dispersal evolution can only rescue a limited set of species from climate change. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.12.05.626982
[70] Deshpande J. N., Pallagatti R. S, Dakos V., Kaltz O. & Fronhofer E. A. Co-evolution of host dispersal and parasite virulence in complex landscapes. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.10.28.620220
[69] Shaw A. K., Fouda L., Mezzini S., Kim D., Chatterjee N., Wolfson D., Abrahms B., Attias N., Beardsworth C. E., Beltran R., Binning S. A., Blincow K. M., Chan Y.-C., Fronhofer E. A., Hegemann A., Hurme E. R., Iannarilli F., Kellner J. B., McCoy K. D., Rafiq K., Saastamoinen M., Sequeira A. M. M., Serota M. W., Sumasgutner P., Tao Y., Torstenson M., Yanco S. W., Beck K. B., Bertram M. G., Beumer L. T., Bradarić M., Clermont J., Ellis-Soto D., Faltusová M., Fieberg J., Hall R. J., Kölzsch A., Lai S., Lee-Cruz L., Loretto M.-C., Loveridge A., Michelangeli M., Mueller T., Riotte-Lambert L., Sapir N., Scacco M., Teitelbaum C. S. & Cagnacci F. Perceived and observed biases within scientific communities: a case study in movement ecology. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.07.29.605602
[68] Deshpande J. N. & Fronhofer E. A. A gene-regulatory network model for density-dependent and sex-biased dispersal evolution during range expansions. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.07.18.549508
peer-reviewed publications
[67] Deshpande J. N., Dakos V., Kaltz O. & Fronhofer E. A. (accepted) Landscape structure as a driver of eco-evolution in host-parasite systems. Evolution Letters.
[66] Zilio G., Deshpande J. N., Duncan A. B., Fronhofer E. A. & Kaltz O. (2024) Dispersal evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in antagonistic species interactions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39: 666-676.
[65] Bonte D., Keith S. A. & Fronhofer E. A. (2024) Species interactions and eco-evolutionary dynamics of dispersal: the diversity dependence of dispersal. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Science 379: 20230125.
Editorial Theme Issue "Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics" compiled by Dries Bonte, Emanuel A. Fronhofer, Sally Keith
[64] Fronhofer E. A., Bonte D., Bestion E., Cote J., Deshpande J. N., Duncan A. B., Hovestadt T., Kaltz O., Keith S. A., Kokko H., Legrand D., Malusare S. P., Parmentier T., Saade C., Schtickzelle N., Zilio G. & Massol, F. (2024) Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 379: 20230142.
[63] Bestion E., Legrand D., Baines C. B., Bonte D., Coulon A., Dahirel M., Delgado M., Deshpande J. N., Duncan A. B., Fronhofer E. A., Gounand I., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Massol F., Matthysen E., Parmentier T., Saade C., Schtickzelle N., Zilio G. & Cote J. (2024) Species interactions affect dispersal: a meta-analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Science 379: 20230127.
[62] Fronhofer E. A., Govaert L., O'Connor M. I., Schreiber S. J. & Altermatt F. (2024) The shape of density dependence and the relationship between population growth, intraspecific competition and equilibrium population density. Oikos 2: e09824.
[61] Fronhofer E. A., Corenblit D., Deshpande J. N., Govaert L., Huneman P., Viard F. Jarne P. & Puijalon S. (2023) Eco-evolution from deep time to contemporary dynamics: the role of timescales and rate modulators. Ecology Letters 26 (S1): S91-S108.
[60] Zamorano L. S., Gompert Z., Fronhofer E. A., Feder J. L. & Nosil P. (2023) A stabilizing eco-evolutionary feedback loop in the wild. Current Biology 33: 3272-3278.
Highlighted: Dispatch by Andrew Hendry
[59] Saade C., Fronhofer E. A., Pichon B. & Kéfi S. (2023) Landscape structure affects metapopulation-scale tipping points. The American Naturalist 202: E17-E30.
[58] Lustenhouwer N., Moerman F., Altermatt F., Bassar R. D., Bocedi G., Bonte D., Dey S., Fronhofer E. A., Garcez de Rocha É., Giometto A., Lancaster L. T., Prather Jr. R. B., Saastamoinen M., Travis J. M. J., Urquhart C. A., Weiss-Lehman C., Williams J., Börger L. & Berger D. B. (2023) Experimental evolution of dispersal: unifying theory, experiments and natural systems. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1113 - 1123.
[57] Rosenbaum B. & Fronhofer E. A. (2023) Confronting population models with experimental microcosm data: from trajectory matching to state-space models. Ecosphere 14: e4503.
[56] Zilio G., Krenek S., Gougat-Barbera C., Fronhofer E. A. & Kaltz O. (2023) Predicting evolution in experimental range expansions of an aquatic model system. Evolution Letters: qrad10.
[55] Malusare S. P., Zilio G. & Fronhofer E. A. (2023) Evolution of thermal performance curves: a meta-analysis of selection experiments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36: 15-28.
[54] Zilio G., Nørgaard L. S., Gougat-Barbera C., Hall M. D., Fronhofer E. A. & Kaltz O. (2023) Travelling with a parasite: the evolution of resistance and dispersal syndrome during experimental range expansion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 290: 20221966.
[53] Cote J., Dahirel M., Schtickzelle N., Altermatt F., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Chaine A., De Laender F., De Raedt J., Haegeman B., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little C., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Therry L., Vong A., Winandy L., Bonte D., Fronhofer E. A. & Legrand D. (2022) Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross-species experiment. Ecology Letters 25: 2675-2687.
[52] Deshpande J. N. & Fronhofer E. A. (2022) Genetic architecture of dispersal and local adaptation drives accelerating range expansions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119: e2121858119.
[51] Kéfi S., Saade C., Berlow E. L., Cabral J. S. & Fronhofer E. A. (2022) Scaling up our understanding of tipping points. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 377: 20210386.
[50] Moerman F., Fronhofer E. A., Altermatt F. & Wagner A. (2022) Selection on growth rate and local adaptation drive genomic adaptation during experimental range expansions in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 1088-1103.
[49] Saade C., Kéfi S., Gougat-Barbera C., Rosenbaum B. & Fronhofer E. A. (2022) Spatial autocorrelation of local patch extinctions drives recovery dynamics in metacommunities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 289: 20220543.
[48] Alther R., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2021) Dispersal behaviour and riverine network connectivity shape the genetic diversity of freshwater amphipod metapopulations. Molecular Ecology 30: 6551-6565.
[47] Zilio G., Nørgaard L. S., Petrucci G., Zeballos N., Gougat-Barbera C., Fronhofer E. A. & Kaltz O. (2021) Parasitism and host dispersal plasticity in an aquatic model system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 1316-1325.
[46] Nørgaard L. S., Zilio G., Saade C., Gougat-Barbera C., Hall M. D., Fronhofer E. A. & Kaltz O. (2021) An evolutionary trade-off between parasite virulence and dispersal at experimental invasion fronts. Ecology Letters 24: 739-750.
[45] Deshpande J. N., Kaltz O. & Fronhofer E. A. (2021) Host-parasite dynamics set the ecological theatre for the evolution of state- and context-dependent dispersal in hosts. Oikos 130: 121-132.
[44] Moerman F., Fronhofer E. A., Wagner A. & Altermatt F. (2020) Sex and gene flow modulate evolution during range expansions in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Biology Letters 16: 20200244.
[43] Carraro L., Bertuzzo E., Fronhofer E. A., Furrer R., Gounand I., Rinaldo A. & Altermatt F. (2020) Generation and application of river networks analogues for use in ecology and evolution. Ecology and Evolution 10: 7537-7550.
[42] Cairns J., Moerman F., Fronhofer E. A., Altermatt F. & Hiltunen T. (2020) Evolution in interacting species alters predator life history traits, behavior and morphology in experimental microbial communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 287: 20200652.
[41] Tabi A., Pennekamp F., Altermatt F., Alther R., Fronhofer E. A., Horgan K., Pontarp M., Mächler E., Petchey O. & Saavedra S. (2020) Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic responses of communities to environmental change. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 1036-1043.
[40] Moerman F., Arquint A., Merkli S., Wagner A., Altermatt F. & Fronhofer E. A. (2020) Evolution under pH stress and high population densities leads to increased density-dependent fitness in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Evolution 74: 573-586.
[39] Harvey E., Gounand I., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2020) Metaecosystem dynamics drive community composition in experimental, multi-layered spatial networks. Oikos 129: 402-412.
[38] Little C. J., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2020) Nonlinear effects of intraspecific competition alter landscape-wide upscaling of ecosystem function. The American Naturalist 195: 432-444.
[37] Thompson P. L. & Fronhofer E. A. (2019) The conflict between adaptation and dispersal for maintaining biodiversity in changing environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116: 21061-21067.
In the news: Newsweek article (English)
[36] Mächler E., Little C. J., Wüthrich R., Alther R., Fronhofer E. A., Gounand I., Harvey E., Hürlemann S., Walser J.-C. & Altermatt F. (2019) Assessing different components of diversity across a river network using eDNA. Environmental DNA 1: 290-301.
[35] Little C. J., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2019) Dispersal syndromes can impact ecosystem functioning in spatially structured freshwater populations. Biology Letters 15: 20180865.
[34] Govaert* L., Fronhofer E. A.*, Lion S., Eizaguirre C., Bonte D., Egas M., Hendry A. P., Martins A. D. B., Melián C. J., Raeymaekers J., Ratikainen I. I., Saether B.-E., Schweitzer J. A. & Matthews B. (2019) Eco-evolutionary feedbacks - theoretical models and perspectives. Functional Ecology 33: 13-30. *: equal contributions
[33] Fronhofer E. A., Liebig J., Mitesser O. & Poethke H. J. (2018) Eusociality outcompetes egalitarian and solitary strategies when resources are limited and reproduction is costly. Ecology and Evolution 8: 12953-12964.
[32] Harvey E., Gounand I., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2018) Disturbance reverses classic island biogeography predictions in river-like landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 285: 20182441.
[31] Fronhofer E. A., Legrand D., Altermatt F., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Bonte D., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little C. J., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Schtickzelle N., Therry L., Vong A., Winandy L. & Cote J. (2018) Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1859-1863.
Highlighted: Nature Ecology and Evolution New and Views: "Dispersal dilemmas" by Siqueira & Wunderlich
Blog: "Behind the paper"
In the news: Midi Libre interview by Camille Solveig Fol (French); Radio Interview with Radio Campus Montpellier
Blog: "Behind the paper"
In the news: Midi Libre interview by Camille Solveig Fol (French); Radio Interview with Radio Campus Montpellier
[30] Pennekamp F., Pontarp M., Tabi A., Altermatt F., Alther R., Choffat Y., Fronhofer E. A., Ganesanandamoorthy P., Garnier A., Griffiths J. I., Greene S., Horgan K., Massie T. M., Mächler E., Palamara G.-M., Seymour M. & Petchey O. L. (2018) Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability. Nature 532: 109-112.
[29] Van Petegem K. H. P., Moerman F., Dahirel M., Fronhofer E. A., Vandegehuchte M., Van Leeuwen T., Wybouw N., Stocks R. & Bonte D. (2018) Kin competition accelerates experimental range expansion in an arthropod herbivore. Ecology Letters 21: 225-234.
[28] Saastamoinen M., Bocedi G., Cote J., Legrand D., Guillaume F., Wheat C. W., Fronhofer E. A., Garcia C., Henry R., Husby A., Baguette M., Bonte D., Coulon A., Kokko H., Matthysen E., Niitepold K., Nonaka E., Stevens V. M., Travis J. M. J., Donohue K., Bullock J. M. & del Mar Delgado M. (2018) Genetics of dispersal. Biological Reviews 93: 574-599.
[27] Altermatt F. & Fronhofer E. A. (2018) Dispersal in dendritic networks: ecological consequences on the spatial distribution of population densities. Freshwater Biology 63: 22-32.
[26] Fronhofer E. A., Gut S. & Altermatt F. (2017) Evolution of density-dependent movement during experimental range expansions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 2165-2176.
[25] Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2017) Classical metapopulation dynamics and eco-evolutionary feedbacks in dendritic networks. Ecography 40: 1455-1466.
[24] Harvey E., Goundand I., Little C. J., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2017) Upstream trophic structure modulates downstream community dynamics via resource subsidies. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5724-5731.
[23] Pennekamp F., Griffiths J. I., Fronhofer E. A., Garnier A., Seymour M., Altermatt F. & Petchey O. L. (2017) Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments - a sliding window approach. PLoS ONE 12: e0176682.
[22] Fronhofer E. A., Nitsche N. & Altermatt F. (2017) Information use shapes the dynamics of range expansions into environmental gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 400-411.
[21] Legrand D., Cote J., Fronhofer E. A., Holt R. D., Ronce O., Schtickzelle N., Travis J. M. J. & Clobert J. (2017) Eco-evolutionary dynamics in fragmented landscapes. Ecography 40: 9-25.
Review & Synthesis of the Ecography Fragmentation Special Issue January 2017
[20] Deiner K., Fronhofer E. A., Mächler E., Walser J.-C. & Altermatt F. (2016) Environmental DNA reveals that rivers are conveyer belts of biodiversity information. Nature Communications 7: 12544.
In the news: RTS La Première CQFD radio interview (French), European Commission News Alert (English)
[19] Kubisch A., Winter A.-M. & Fronhofer E. A. (2016) The downward spiral: eco-evolutionary feedback loops lead to the emergence of 'elastic' ranges. Ecography 39: 261-269
[18] Fronhofer E. A., Klecka J., Melián C. J. & Altermatt F. (2015) Condition-dependent movement and dispersal in experimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters 18: 954-963.
[17] Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2015) Eco-evolutionary feedbacks during experimental range expansions. Nature Communications 6: 6844.
In the news: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (German), Eawag press release (English)
[16] Seymour M., Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2015) Dendritic network structure and dispersal affect temporal dynamics of diversity and species persistence. Oikos 124: 908-916.
[15] Fronhofer, E. A., Kropf T. & Altermatt F. (2015) Density-dependent movement and the consequences of the Allee effect in the model organism Tetrahymena. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 712-722.
[14] Altermatt F., Fronhofer E. A., Garnier A., Giometto A., Hammes F., Klecka J., Legrand D., Mächler E., Massie T. M., Plebani M., Pennekamp F., Pontarp M., Schtickzelle N., Thuillier V. & Petchey O. L. (2015) Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 218-231.
[13] Fronhofer E. A., Poethke H. J. & Dieckmann U. (2015) Evolution of dispersal distance: maternal investment leads to bimodal dispersal kernels. Journal of Theoretical Biology 365: 270-279.
[12] Bevanda M., Fronhofer E. A., Heurich M., Müller J. & Reineking B. (2015) Landscape configuration is a major determinant of home range size variation. Ecosphere 6: 195.
[11] Fronhofer E. A., Stelz J. M., Lutz E., Poethke H. J. & Bonte D. (2014) Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigration but larger dispersal distances in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Evolution 68: 1838-1844.
[10] Kubisch A. & Fronhofer E. A. (2014) Dispersal, evolution, and range dynamics - a synthesis. Oikos 123: 3-4.
Guest Editorial Virtual Special Issue January 2014 "Dispersal, Evolution, and Species' Ranges"
[9] Kubisch A., Holt R. D., Poethke H. J. & Fronhofer E. A. (2014) Where am I and why? Synthesising range biology and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of dispersal. Oikos 123: 5-22.
Editor's Choice January 2014
[8] Fronhofer E. A., Sperr E. B., Kreis A., Ayasse M., Poethke H. J. & Tschapka M. (2013) Picky hitch-hikers: vector choice leads to directed dispersal and fat-tailed kernels in a passively dispersing mite. Oikos 122: 1254-1264.
[7] Kubisch A., Fronhofer E. A., Poethke H. J. & Hovestadt T. (2013) Kin competition as a major driving force for invasions. The American Naturalist 181: 700-706.
[6] Fronhofer E. A., Hovestadt T. & Poethke H. J. (2013) From random walks to informed movement. Oikos 122: 857-866.
[5] Fronhofer E. A., Kubisch A., Hilker F. M., Hovestadt T. & Poethke H. J. (2012) Why are metapopulations so rare? Ecology 93: 1967-1978.
[4] Fronhofer E. A., Kubisch A., Hovestadt T. & Poethke H. J. (2011) Assortative mating counteracts the evolution of dispersal polymorphisms. Evolution 65: 2461- 2469.
[3] Fronhofer E. A., Pasurka H., Poitrineau K., Mitesser O. & Poethke H. J. (2011) Risk-sensitivity revisited: from individuals to populations. Animal Behaviour 82: 875-883.
[2] Fronhofer E. A., Pasurka H., Mitesser O. & Poethke H. J. (2011) Scarce resources, risk-sensitivity and egalitarian resource sharing. Evolutionary Ecology Reserach 13: 253-267.
[1] Sperr E. B., Fronhofer E. A. & Tschapka M. (2009) The Mexican mouse opossum (Marmosa mexicana) as a flower visitor at a neotropical palm. Mammalian Biology 74: 76-80.
More software can be found on GitHub.
[1] Carraro L., Altermatt F., Fronhofer E. A., Furrer R., Gounand I., Rinaldo A. & Bertuzzo E. (2019) OCNet: Optimal Channel Networks. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)